
© 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The MIT Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England

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The book introduces the working scientist, engineer or student to cloud computing.  It surveys the technology that underpins the cloud, new approaches to technical problems enabled by the cloud, and the concepts required to integrate cloud services into scientific work. It covers managing data in the cloud, and how to program these services; computing in the cloud, from deploying single virtual machines or containers to supporting basic interactive science experiments to gathering clusters of machines to do data analytics; using the cloud as a platform for automating analysis procedures, machine learning, and analyzing streaming data; building your own cloud with open source software; and cloud security.

This site is the online resource for the book.   It contains the Jupyter notebooks that are described in the book as well as additional material including lecture slides.

The book is still being edited,  so inform us of errors you encounter.

  • To see individual chapters go to the chapters menu item.
  • To see the Notebooks, go to the notebooks menu item
  • Lecture Slide can be found in the Extras menu.

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